| English
"Куда идет мир? Каково будущее науки? Как "объять необъятное", получая образование - высшее, среднее, начальное? Как преодолеть "пропасть двух культур" - естественнонаучной и гуманитарной? Как создать и вырастить научную школу? Какова структура нашего познания? Как управлять риском? Можно ли с единой точки зрения взглянуть на проблемы математики и экономики, физики и психологии, компьютерных наук и географии, техники и философии?"

«Introduction to the Theory of Intersubjective Management» 
Vladimir A. Vittikh

Nevertheless, it is far to mean that the problem is solved, since the decision-making, which is convenient for everybody, takes place under the conditions of multitude of resource restrictions (financial, technologic, power supply etc). Therefore, the OMS built by actors is a formulation of the problem but not a solution thereof. The above-stated position matches to a large degree with the views of Laurière ( 1991 ), who, speaking about solution of problems one meets in the every-day-life, had in mind rather “analysis and representation of specific situations” than the solution it-self. “To formulate a problem means first of all to understand conditions of the problem or, in other words, to find an appropriate representation”. In other words, the originally elaborated OMS reflects understanding of the problem by actors, but they haven’t yet attained mutual understanding as to the manner to regulate the problem situation that would be convenient for everyone.

Then, the actors begin to conduct experiences with OMS, defending their positions, on the one hand, and taking in account the interests of their colleagues and valuable benchmarks of groups, from the other hand. There is a step-by-step OMS transformation, in result of which OMS is elaborated and this OMS is shared by all the actors wherethe mutual understanding of heterogeneous actor is attained at last (Vittikh 2012b ). It is important to have in mind that the actors’ preferences depend on the context and character of interactions among them, and the preferences scales are being formed in the process on negotiations themselves, not being rigidly specified a priori (Sapir 2001 ). This circumstance, restricting the appliance of classical mathematical methods when experimenting with OMS, results in necessity to look for other methods and tools among which are multi-agent models and technologies (Skobelev 2010 ; Vittikh and Skobele 2003 ).

It should be noted that a general scheme of such ontological modeling was suggested and discussed in details in the work (Smirnov 2012 ).

3.6 Decision-Making

The decision-making to regulate a problem situation on the basis of the theory of intersubjective management is directly connected with attainment of actors’ mutual understanding and consensus, i.e. their common consent in the disputable issue, obtained by way of negotiations, due to convergence of the actors’ positions. More precisely, consensus is not a unanimity, it doesn’t mean that “everybody votes pro”, it means only that “nobody votes contra” (Ackoff 2009 ). Consensus is being formed gradually, in proportion as OMS under transformation comes nearer to the model shared by all the actors. And, if OMS doesn’t arrange even one of actors, the decision is not made.

Such an approach may be resulted in undesirable delays in decision-making under the conflict of interests’ conditions of the actors. However, if to stake on their solidarity, then the way out can be found; it is necessary, for this purpose,to arrange monitoring of the speed of the problem situation’s development. When actors will begin to understand that the time reserves of decision-making will have expired in the nearest future, it will stimulate them to go on mutual concessions, to look for compromises. And it means that the number of OMS transformations, necessary to attain consensus, will self-regulate, providing the ability to control in real time.

Alternative is the traditional “majority principle”: not to waste time for a long term negotiations and for convergence of positions, but to make decision by a simple voting. In this event, time could be saved indeed, but there will be no guaranty of decision’s quality, since a part of actors having weighty arguments will not agree with the chosen way to regulate the situation. “As is well known since the times of Condorcet, the majority rule does not guarantee the expression of preferences of society, i.e. it can lead to irrational results… It is noteworthy that the classical decision theory leads to a tense confrontation of rationality and irrationality, but leaves everything as is” (Luhmann 2000 ).

In fact, we are so accustomed, indeed, to do a choice according to the principle of “majority”, that, usually, we don’t think about “minority” and what this minority is expected to be in result of the decision made (not in the minority’s favor). At the same time, history brings us many lessons of negative consequences derived from the dictates by majority, resulting in infringement of rights and freedoms of a part of people. Therefore, the theory of intersubjective management is being built exactly consensus-based, presupposing a non-violent decision-making and, in this sense, meeting the principles of free society.

4 Conclusion

These last years, within the framework of the global idea to modernize our society, we see development of lines of activity and implementation of appropriate programs connected with organization and perfection of the process of management: electronic democracy, electronic government, private-state partnership, public-state partnership, information society development, etc. They are aimed to expand participation of citizen, business and social organizations in lawmaking, to make adopt socially significant decisions by authority, to perform the processes of State, municipal and corporative governance. And what’s more, following traditional conceptions, the solution of these problems is made on the basis of the principles of classical bureaucracy with its rigid hierarchy of power, functional specialization, procedures regulations, disregard of personal qualities of people, etc. This “mechanistic nature” and “depersonalization” of bureaucratic structures, which ensured their success in the industrial epoch, have begun to be nowadays a hindrance for social, economical and humanitarian development, since the world has become open and dynamic, the man started to realize him-self more and more free therein, communication has become a productive force, social self-organization has got development. In these conditions, any redecorating of bureaucratic machine which doesn’t touch its fundamentals cannot ensure any proper efficiency of management in the present-day society. A change of the very paradigm of management is required.

Exactly for this purpose, this work proposes the principles of construction of the theory of intersubjective management, based on postnonclassical scientific rationality and on concept of free society, wherein the stake is made on non-violent means of decision-making oriented towards attainment of mutual understanding and consensus. Yet it is only an introduction to the theory, and not the theory itself, but its publication is conditioned by a matured need to draw attention to the above-named problem and to expand the circle of scientists and professionals involved in search of the solution. Of course, the theory of intersubjective management is a certain idealization (as, however, any other theory, including the “ideal bureaucracy”), but, over the years, it will become more and more in line with the realities of the future information society.

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